
Shredded Chicken for Easter


Chicken needle bed pleases the eye with bright colors - a wonderful souvenir for a bright Easter Sunday!

Product SIZE: approximately 16 x 13 cm
3 cotton fabrics with different patterns
Embroidery Thread Remains
Vata or fragrant potpourri for stuffing
2 small black eye beads
Embroidery thread
Tailor's chalk
Suitable sewing threads
Transparent paper and pencil

Enlarge Pattern Details
On transparent paper, draw raster cells (the size of each cell is 2.5 x 2.5 cm). Translate all the contours and marks of the tummy, torso and wings onto raster transparent paper. Cut parts to original size. Please note that 1/4-inch wide allowances are already included in the patterns.
Fold twice the x / b of the fabric with the front side inward and cut out individual parts. By tailor's chalk, place marks on the wrong side of the fabric parts.
Translation of the inscriptions on the pattern pattern: above: tummy 1x, bottom left: trunk, bottom right: wing 4x.

Lay the wings in pairs facing each other and circle the seam around the machine (use the foot for stitches, 1/4-inch allowance width). At the straight edge, leave a hole for turning out. Around cut the allowances close to the seam. Turn out the wings and iron them.
Embroider the wings with 3-stitch embroidery with cuff stitches. Iron.By tailor's chalk, draw a line on the wings (see photo of the model) and embroider this line with a stalk-like seam. Then iron the wings again.
Tailoring Chicken
Fold the part of the body and tummy face to face, respectively, and grind it to the mark. Then stitch the second part of the body to the other edge of the tummy. Fold both parts of the body, precisely aligning the seams and make a seam on the head and back. Leave the eversion hole. Trim the allowances close to the stitch. Turn the part out, stuff it with cotton or a fragrant potpourri. Sew the hole in the seam with small stitches manually. Sew the wings to the body by hand in small stitches. Finally, sew the beads in place of the eyes.
Easter chicken is ready!
Instead of cotton wool, Easter chicken can be filled with a fragrant potpourri.
