
Spring salads


Salads of fresh vegetables and fruits with fragrant herbs and light dressing - this is a storehouse of vitamins, just what you need after a long winter. You can cook them every day, the family will be delighted!

Cooking time: 50 min.
IN 3 PORTS: • 1 onion • 1 yellow and 2 red pods of sweet pepper • 1 can of canned corn and red beans in their own juice • 1 bunch of lettuce leaves • grape vinegar • soy sauce • vegetable oil
1. Make a marinade. Peel and dice the onion, 3 tables. tablespoons of vinegar, 5 tablespoons. spoons of soy sauce to combine, mix well, then pour the chopped onion.
2. Wash the pods of pepper and, removing seeds and partitions, cut into strips. Put pepper to onion. Discard the canned corn in a colander, drain the liquid, the beans also recline in a colander, rinse with cold water, allow the water to drain completely. Put the corn and beans to the onion and pepper. Wash, dry, lettuce leaves, add to vegetables, season salad with vegetable oil and mix.

Cooking time: 40 min
AT 4 PORTS: • 0.5 kg of cherry tomatoes • 3 tables. tablespoons of olive oil • 4 cloves of garlic • 2 stalks of celery • 200 g different lettuce leaves • salt, ground black pepper
1. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Wash, dry, put the tomatoes in a baking dish, pierce with a fork, drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper, sprinkle with garlic. Bake for 20 minutes in an oven at 180 ° C. Remove the tomatoes, drain the juice.
2. Wash and dry lettuce leaves. Peel celery, chop the flesh into strips. Combine everything, pour juice from tomatoes and mix.
Cooking time: 40 min
FOR 4 PORTS: • 300 g of radish • 1 bunch of green leaf lettuce • 3 sweet yellow peppers • 2 slices of white bread • vegetable oil for roasting. For refueling: • 3 table. tablespoons of olive oil • ground black pepper • salt • 2 cloves of garlic • 1 table. spoon of white balsamic vinegar • 1 table. mustard spoon
1. Wash, dry, radish well, cut the tails, cut the radishes into thin circles. Wash, dry and lettuce leaves. Wash sweet peppers, peel stalks and seeds, cut flesh into thin long strips. Cut the crust from white bread, cut the pulp into cubes and fry them in warmed vegetable oil until golden brown.
2. Make a gas station. Peel the garlic cloves, chop finely or mince through a garlic press. Olive oil, white balsamic vinegar, chopped garlic, salt, ground black pepper, combine mustard and slightly beat with a whisk.
3. Combine radish slices, straws from sweet pepper, combine green salad and put in a transparent salad bowl. Pour part of the dressing and mix gently. Put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
4. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with croutons, pour over the remaining dressing and serve immediately.

Cooking time: 45 min
AT 4 PORTS: • 350 g chicken liver • 100 g leaves of different salads • 1 red onion • 2 multi-colored sweet peppers • 4 tables. tablespoons of sunflower seeds • greens • 2 tables. tablespoons of olive oil • 1 teaspoon. spoon of lime juice • 1 teaspoon. spoon of white balsamic vinegar • vegetable oil • salt, ground black pepper
1. Cut the liver into large pieces and fry in a pan heated with vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes. Wash, dry, pepper, put peppers on a baking sheet and bake for 20−25 minutes in the oven at 180 ° C. Peppers put in a plastic bag, cool, remove the stalks with seeds and peel off. Peppers cut into strips. Wash, dry, chop or tear lettuce leaves. Fry sunflower seeds in a dry pan.peel and chop the onion into thin half rings.
2. Make a gas station. Combine olive oil, lime juice, balsamic vinegar, salt, ground black pepper and whisk lightly with a whisk.
3. Combine liver, chopped bell pepper, lettuce, sunflower seeds, onion rings and mix gently. Pour salad dressing, mix well again and put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
Cooking time: 50 min.
AT 4 PORTS: • 1 avocado • 100 g of hard cheese • 2 sweet peppers • 1 pear • 1 lemon. For dressing: • 1 clove of garlic • salt • ground black pepper • 100 ml of olive oil
1. Wash the sweet pepper, cut in half, remove the core with seeds, cut the pepper into thin long strips. Wash, dry, cut the pear into 4 parts, remove the core with seeds, cut the pulp across into thin slices. Cheese cut into small cubes.
2. Wash and cut the lemon in half. Avocado also wash, peel, cut in half, remove the stone, cut the avocado into slices. Squeeze the juice on an avocado from half a lemon so that it does not darken.
3. Make a gas station. Squeeze the juice from the remaining half of the lemon, combine it with olive oil and mix well. Peel the garlic, finely chop. Add chopped garlic to olive oil with lemon juice and mix well, add salt to taste, season with ground black pepper and slightly beat with a whisk.
4. Sweet pepper, pear, cheese, combine avocado, pour dressing and mix well. Before serving, put the salad in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Cooking time: 40 min
IN 4 PORTS: • 750 g of potatoes • 4 small beets • 1 carrot • 1 parsley root • 1 onion • 1 bunch of green onion with onions • 250 ml of meat broth • ground black pepper • salt • 4 tablespoons. tablespoons of vinegar • 4 tablespoons. tablespoons of olive oil • 4 radishes • 1 pod of red and green sweet pepper
1. Wash potatoes and beets well, cook until tender, and let cool. Peel and chop the carrots, parsley and onions. Chop green onions into rings.
2. Bring the broth to a boil. In a boiling broth put carrots with parsley root and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add onions and green onions. Add salt and pepper to taste.
3. Peel potatoes and beets and cut into thin slices. Combine with carrots, parsley, onions and green onions, add olive oil and mix well.
4. Cut the radish into circles, sweet pepper into strips. Mix with vegetables, season with vinegar, salt and pepper. Leave for 30 minutes at room temperature, then serve.
Cooking time: 50 min.
FOR 4 PORTS: • 80 g of walnuts • 2 red onions • 150 g of leaves of different salads • 250 g of blue cheese. For refueling: • 3 table. tablespoons of orange juice • 3 tables. tablespoons of white wine vinegar • 4 tables. tablespoons of olive oil • ground black pepper • salt
1. Chop walnuts slightly and fry a little in a pan without adding oil. Allow the nuts to cool completely.
2. Peel the onions, cut them in half and cut into thin half rings. Blanch chopped onions for 1 min in boiling salted water, then drop in a colander and let the water drain completely. Leave the leaves of different salads, wash them well, dry and pick in small pieces.
3. Put onion, salad and nuts on plates. Cut the cheese into slices and crumble on top.
4. Prepare a dressing. Combine orange juice, white wine vinegar, olive oil, salt, ground black pepper and whisk lightly with a whisk.
5. Sprinkle the salad with half the dressing, put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Remove, pour over the remaining dressing, mix gently and serve.

Cooking time: 45 min
FOR 4 PORTS: • 300 g of shrimp • 200 g of strawberries • 1 bunch of green leaf lettuce • 80 g of feta cheese • 1 small carrot • salt • lettuce, mint leaves for decoration. For refueling: • 1 tea.spoon of lime juice • 1 teaspoon. spoon of soy sauce • 1 teaspoon. spoon of honey • 1 teaspoon. spoon of balsamic vinegar
1. Boil shrimps in salted water until tender. Cool and clean. Sort strawberries, wash, dry and cut into slices. Rinse the lettuce well, dry it, then cut into strips or tear into small pieces.
2. Wash, peel and grate the carrots. Cut the feta cheese into small cubes.
3. Prepare a dressing. Lime juice, soy sauce, liquid honey, balsamic vinegar combine and mix thoroughly.
4. Shrimp, strawberries, lettuce, carrots, feta cheese and mix and put on a plate previously lined with lettuce. Sprinkle the salad dressing, garnish with mint leaves and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Cooking time: 50 min.
FOR 4 PORTS: • 1 bunch of radishes • 100 g of strawberries • 1 bunch of green salad • 1 sweet pepper • 1 apple • 1 carrot • 1 pear • 2 kiwi • 5 cherry tomatoes. For dressing: • 2 oranges • 2 canned peaches • 2 rings of canned pineapple • 1 white onion • 0.5 chili peppers • salt
1. Wash sweet peppers, peel seeds and stalks, cut the pepper into strips. Wash carrots, peel and cut into thin strips. Wash the radishes, cut the tails, cut the radishes into thin circles.
2. Wash the pear and apple, peel, cut the flesh into slices. Wash strawberries, cut in half, cut kiwi without skin into circles. Wash, dry and lettuce leaves.
3. Make a gas station. Squeeze the juice from oranges. Peel the white onion and cut into slices, peel the chili seeds. Grind canned fruits, onions, chili peppers in a blender, pour in orange juice, salt and mix.
4. Lay leaves, fruits and radishes in a salad bowl or on a large dish. Lay the strawberries on top. Pour over the sauce. Before serving, put in a salad for 30 minutes in the refrigerator so that it is well soaked.
