
5 dresses from old Burda numbers that are worth sewing now


In our selection you will find patterns that truly deserve the right to be called bestsellers!

We selected five dresses from the Burda electronic catalog, which not only passed the test of time and have been tested in practice more than a dozen times, but which will look more than modern and stylish today!

How to buy an electronic pattern on the site

1. Elegant wrap dress

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Wrap Dress
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Magazine: Burda 10/2011 Pattern: 123 A Sizes: 36 - 44 The upper part favorably emphasizes feminine forms, and a flared skirt with a side frill effe ... 200 р. 99 р. Add to cart The upper part favorably emphasizes feminine forms, and a flared skirt with a side frill effec ...

This dress could be considered just another successful model with a smell, if not for one graceful and stylish nuance - a side shuttlecock that will lay down with soft architectural folds depending on the fabric you have chosen.

In general, the silhouette is characterized by classical elegance, but you can make the model even more relevant by replacing the sleeves with more voluminous ones, as, for example, our forum member did.

For all time: the most spectacular plus-size wrap dresses

2. Dress with a collar

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Slim Fit Dress
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Magazine: Burda 10/2011 Pattern: 116 Sizes: 36 - 44 When a flirty white collar appears on a strict black background, and along the lower edge of the skirt and hands ... 200 p. 99 p.To the basket When a flirty white collar appears on a strict black background, and along the lower edge of the skirt and arms ...

A strict black dress with a white collar, like a myth wandering from one people to another, appears in a variety of guises for different fashion brands.

Valentino, Ralph Lauren

You can always experiment with color, moving away from the radical contrast of black and white, but it's hard to argue that the charming simplicity of such a dress opens up enormous scope for imagination: complement the image with textured tiered chains and get the output of a provocatively restrained image in the Chanel style of zero years, gather your hair in a neat smooth bun and add minimalistic pearl earrings - and you get a delicate retro-chic, either a young teacher or a diligent schoolgirl.

Black and white: the most spectacular examples of contrasting combination

3. A detachable sheath dress

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Sheath dress detachable at the waist
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Magazine: Burda 11/2012 Pattern: 122 Sizes: 36 - 44 Theatrical premiere or romantic date ... In any case, the dress is made of elastic satin ... 200 p. 99 p. Add to cart Theater premiere or romantic date ... In any case, a dress made of elastic satin ...

This is the very sheath dress that you can safely say about - an ideal base! Cut-off at the waist, behind the clasp and step slot - this dress, despite the relative simplicity of the cut, will look great in quality performance from decent fabric. But we are also sure that this model was simply created to model on its basis the most incredible outfits and realize the most daring sewing fantasies - and the gallery of sewn models on the PhotoForum clearly confirms our words!

Pattern of the month: sheath dress for any occasion

4. Warm sundress

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A-line sundress
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Magazine: Burda 9/2012 Pattern: 105 Sizes: 34 - 42 Mini - a sundress for the fall? No doubt if a pair of knitted pullover. At Sarah ... 200 p. 99 p. Add to cart Mini - dress for the fall? No doubt if a pair of knitted pullover. Sarah ...

If you still don’t have a sundress for the cold season, take our word for it - this is an absolutely brilliant invention! It will not only prevent you from freezing due to its multi-layered nature, which has already been sung by many, but also will please with its multifunctionality. Sundress from suede, from jacquard, from leather, from velvet, from tweed ... You will never regret that this pattern happened in your life!

Fibber, Nanny_Boo, Narina

Top patterns on which you can sew a winter dress

5. Dress with bow pleats

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Dress with bow pleats
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Magazine: Burda 11/2012 Pattern: 121 Sizes: 36 - 44 Hello, Cinderella! This model is made of mother-of-pearl pink taffeta of Shanjans - a real dress for ... 200 р. 99 р. Add to cart Hello Cinderella! This model is made of mother-of-pearl pink taffeta of the Shanjans - a real dress for a party.

In 2012, the dazzling glossy gloss of taffeta seemed much more attractive than in modern fashionable realities, but the pattern itself does not lose its relevance - only a few models can compete with its popularity on our website.

The bow folds on the detachable skirt, the main decoration of this dress, allow you to create a very elegant look, as well as quite casual - the choice is yours!

5 blouses from old Burda numbers that are relevant today as never before
