
We give any pattern when buying fabrics!


When buying fabrics for 1000 or more rubles, you will receive as a gift any pattern you like from our electronic catalog - already printed!

Buying fabrics has become even more pleasant, because in each order for an amount of more than 1000 rubles you will find an already printed pattern from our catalog of your choice!

To take part in the action, which will last until the end of June:

1. make an order for fabrics in the amount of 1000 rubles in our store;

2. select any pattern you like in our electronic pattern catalog;

3. send an email to us at [email protected] indicating your order number and a link to the selected pattern. If we do not receive a letter from you, we will contact you ourselves to find out which pattern you would like to receive as a gift!

We will print the pattern you have chosen on the correct scale on the printer and attach it to your order.

Sew with pleasure!

If you have never previously sewed on Burda electronic patterns, then full information on how to do this can be found in this material /
