
Great news


About 30 billion fat cells are able to grow in volume. Such baggage was given to us at birth by nature. Scientists had to work hard to help humanity keep fat under control.

Tangerine Diet - Citrus Helps Keep Fit

This form of tangerine contains nobiletin, a substance in the flavonoid group. Scientists at the University of Western Ontario have found that it is able to stimulate the gene responsible for burning fat and neutralize the genes that are responsible for its accumulation. Moreover, one such citrus per day is enough.

Everyone lies exercise machines

Having sweated all morning on a cardio simulator, and having seen on the scoreboard of the counter as many as 600 kilocalories spent, you risk falling into a dangerous misconception that the rest of the day can be spent in gastronomic pleasures. Exercise machines can overestimate calorie expenditure by an average of 19%! It is proven at the University of California. The study conducted a series of tests for oxygen consumption during exercise. It turned out that the testimonies and simulators often do not match and the discrepancies are significant. However, scientists advise not to be upset and purchase a cardiomonitor, which will accurately determine the intensity of classes. There are more budgetary, albeit less accurate methods for evaluating the effort spent. For example, treadmill fans should multiply their weight by 1.04 to see how many calories they’ve spent per kilometer. For lovers of fast walking, the coefficient is 0.74. As for the steppers, bicycle and elliptical trainers, experts recommend not starting from calorie consumption, but from the time of intensive training: ideally, 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week.

Shopping instead of training

Replace gym equipment with a shopping trip is advised by British physical education experts. Studies show that in half an hour in a supermarket you can easily spend 100 kcal. If you roll a trolley in front of you, then the consumption will increase by another 25 kcal. But most of the energy - as much as 140 kcal - burns out if you buy clothes, not food. Changing clothes is very similar to gymnastics. We measured a lot of dresses and, in the meantime, burned 200 kcal. Even if nothing came up, they provided a good sports load.

Get up! Weight will go away

Everyone knows that in order to lose weight, you need to walk as much as possible. But if you already took the bus or metro, it is better to resist the temptation to plop down on the seat. There really is one in the legs! At least some part of it. American scientists from the University of Missouri have proven that in a standing position, the rate of fat breakdown increases by a third. In a word, those who give way to passengers with children and people with disabilities burn an average of 15 kcal more in 1 hour than if they spent this time sitting. Courtesy is good for a figure!

World crises fill us up

Overweight people tend to seize trouble with sweets and because of this get even better. And worst of all, they strive to sweeten not only personal problems, but also world ones. Scientists from the University of Miami found out when the next economic or political crisis covers countries and continents, their inhabitants begin to grow stout. The authors of the experiment divided the participants into two groups: one gave out a newspaper with neutral news for reading, and the second with reports of the imminent collapse of the world economy. Those who were impressed by negative forecasts ate 40% (!) More, and they chose the most high-calorie ones from the offered products. Under the influence of bad news, stress hormones are also produced and include the survival instinct. And he requires eating for the future on the eve of difficult times.Hence the conclusion: if you want to lose weight, avoid everything that can upset or worry.

When is the best time to weigh yourself?

On Mondays and Fridays, experts at the University of Washington School of Medicine say. As it turned out during the experiment, those who obediently diet on the whole working week tend to go on a break on weekends, so checking weigh-in on Friday morning (when the weight reaches the minimum value) will help to resist the temptations of the weekend and stay in shape. For the same purpose, nutritionists recommend dressing in something tight-fitting instead of the traditional Friday-free casual. It’s easier to control yourself, avoiding the excesses at dinner. Repeated weighing on Monday is necessary in order to quickly adjust the diet and regain the dietary mood.

The aroma of harmony

It is no secret that clothes of a certain cut conceal the flaws of the figure and help to look slimmer. It turns out that the right perfume can produce the same effect! This is evidenced by the results of three years of research undertaken by the Director of the Chicago Center for the Study of Taste and Smell, Dr. Alan Hirsch. After testing about a hundred aromatic compositions, he came to the conclusion that the floral-spicy aromas with which a woman smells fragrance create the illusion of harmony: men think that a lady weighs 5-6 kg less than actually. And if there are also grapefruit notes in the perfume, then the stronger sex gives the impression that we are not only finer than actually, but also younger! For those who intend to truly lose weight, Dr. Hirsch advises to inhale the smell coming from her for several minutes. The result is something like olfactory satiety, calming the center of appetite. Cells that produce the hormone thyroliberin are also stimulated - it regulates the thyroid gland, speeds up the metabolism. Having enjoyed the aroma and the beautiful view of the meal, you are saturated faster and do not eat too much. Hirsch tested the technique on 1436 patients weighing about 94 kg. For six months they lost an average of 13.5 kg, without changing their usual lifestyle and diet. Agree, it can be anyone!

To the beat of the music

Those who move more — simply trample to the beat of the music or walk around talking on the phone — spend 350 kcal per day more, experts at the Mayo Clinic (USA) calculated. When to have a dance break? Yes, at least during an advertisement that interrupts your favorite series. It will be typed about 10 minutes. When sedentary work, tearing away from the desk should be at least 5 minutes every hour.

Gene of self-control

Another factor affecting women's weight gain was identified by scientists at Tufts University. This is the process of disinhibition of the psyche, laid down genetically. Women with a high level of disinhibition weigh on average 15 kg more than those who have a high level of self-control by nature. What to do if you are at risk? Fit. When the self-control gene turns off, which happens, for example, during feasts with friends, lean on salads and socializing.

The article was published on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 6/2013

Photo: Ewa Mazur / iStockphoto; Legion media

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


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