
Needle box with a pattern


The best gift for a friend, a lover of sewing: a pillow for needles with a lace frill and a pattern made using a stencil and spray paint.

YOU WILL NEED: A flap of tissue in a Visha cage measuring 15x35 cm; lace tape with one scalloped edge of white color 1,60 m wide 4 cm; lace tape with one serrated black edge 1.20 m wide 1 cm; cotton wool for filling; red spray paint for textiles (Waco über Knorr Prandell); stencil, for example from Marabu.
DESCRIPTION OF WORK: From the fabric into the cage, cut out 2 parts of the pillow measuring 15 x 17 cm, including allowances. Using a stencil and spray paint (pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions), apply the desired pattern in several layers on one part of the pad, leave it to dry completely.
Stitch the ends of the white lace ribbon, seize the ribbon along the straight edge at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. Stitch the lace tape along the contour to the upper part of the pillow with allowances for 1 cm seam so that the scalloped edge of the tape is directed to the center of the pillow, while assembly should be sufficient at the corners. Pull the parts of the pillow face-down to the front side, grind it down, laying the stitch exactly in the seam of sewing on the lace tape, while leaving a section of approx. 5 cm for eversion.

Turn out the pillow and fill it with cotton. Sew the open area of ​​the seam.Sweep the black lace tape along the contour from the bottom side of the pillow so that the straight edge of the tape lies on the edges of the pillow 2 mm wide. Similarly pin the black lace ribbon on the top side of the pillow. Scribble to the edge.
Photo: Adriano Brusaferry. Production: Dagmar Bili.
The material was prepared by Elena Karpova.
Photo: Adriano Brusaferry. Production: Dagmar Bili.
The material was prepared by Elena Karpova.
