
Scrapbooking New Year card


Beautifully decorated greetings stay with us for a long time. They are especially expensive if stored in a beautiful postcard made by the hands of the donor.

We offer you a master class from our partner, the ARTform trademark, on the manufacture of a New Year's card using the scrapbooking technique. The master class was conducted by Valery Malkin, designer and decorator.
You will need: color and white blank cards for scrapbooking; holographic paper; braid, tape; decorative paper elements (fir trees, stars, snowflakes); rhinestones, beads, buttons; scissors, ruler, simple pencil, glue, double-sided Velcro; brads (metal decorative carnations) of different colors and shapes for fastening elements and decorating postcards.
Step 1: Choose the color of the blank card and the elements that will decorate it. You can use both ready-made paper elements, and cut them yourself from colored paper, napkins, fabrics, etc.

Step 2: Pre-arrange all the selected decor elements on the card as it will look in a finished form.

Step 3: Make the main decor of the blank card - glue the card over with paper with a holographic effect, decorate it along the contour with tape or fasten a large snowflake in the middle of the future card.

Step 4: Decorate the card with medium and small elements - place the Christmas tree on a snowflake or on the card itself.Glue or attach snowflakes, stars, buttons with a double-sided Velcro.

Step 5:
It remains only to sign the New Year card and give it!

This workshop is very simple and fun. All templates are just your fantasy. Such cards can be done with children.

Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: Very Easy! New year pop up greeting cards - How to make New Year Card at Home. Craft (January 2025).